terça-feira, setembro 09, 2008

O Carluccio's

Para vocês terem uma idéia do que era o restaurante, haviam pequenos livretos na sua entrada que podiam ser levados pelos clientes, com receitas especialíssimas para o preparo das massas.

Os dessa semana em que estivemos lá falavam da Calabria e da Puglia, duas regiões bastante famosas da Itália (se você não sabe onde fica, surpreenda-se: os mapas estão no verso do livreto!).

Dá uma sensação de acolhimento, de que você vai poder comprar aquele Penne Regine e que saberá o que fazer com ele.

Enfim, gente chique é outra coisa.

Só para não deixar todo mundo com água na boca, deixo aqui a receita do livreto da Calabria. Tentem e divirtam-se!



Sea bass with tomato salsa and sautéed potatoes

Calabria is a mountainous territory between two seas, with a climate of extreme temperatures. Calabrese history is layered with Greek, Albanian, Spanish and Arabic influences. This recipe offers a classic taste of the region: fresh fish and rich tomatos, simple and roboust flavoours. Match with Gravina Bianco DOC from Puglia, an elegant dry white wine made from Greco and Malvasia grapes.

Serves 4

For the salsa:
250g medium-sized vine tomatoes
100g Spanish onion, finely diced
120ml olive oil
6g garlic (about 2 cloves), finely diced
60ml white wine
1 punnet of cherry tomatoes, cut into halves
160g semi-dried tomatoes
salt and freshly ground black pepper
8g (about 3 tbsp) shredded basil
30g finely chopped chives
20g finely chopped flat-leafed parsley

For the potatoes:
olive oil
24 small new potatoes
80g butter
salt and freshly ground pepper

For the fish:
4 filles of sea bass (about 170g each)
40g plain flour
salt and freshly ground pepper
80g butter
olive oil

Cute the vine tomatoes into quarters and remove the seeds. Cut each wedge into half lenghtways, then thirds, so that you have 6 pieces per quarter. Set aside. Sweat the onion in a little olive oil. When the onion is trnslucente, add the garlic and cook for a minute, then add the dash of wine. Reduce a little before adding the fresh tomatoes. Cook for a minute or two. Add the sun-kissed tomatoes. Season. Allow to cool, then add the herbs and adjust the seasoning.

Deep fry the potatoes in hot olive oil until golden brown, then add the butter asn seasoning to taste.

Season and dust each fish fillet with flour. Heat the butter with a little olive oil. Add the fish, skin side up, and fry until golden on both sides.

On a pasta plate, place a spoonful of salsa on one side with plenty pf juice. Then add a heap of potatoes and lastly the sea bass. Serve straightaway.

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